Tomorrow is D Day! I am getting pierced for the second time around, but I'm only having positive thought. I really don't think my body will "get rid of" the piercing this time. Last time I got it done I was sick about a week for EVERY month - and continued to be sick every month after the piercing was out so that's not what caused it. But I do believe all the illnesses caused my body to resist the piercing.
In one way I feel ridiculous doing this almost 26 years old, but it's not a look-thing for me. I can't explain exactly. I started thinking about this when I was about 18, but gave it 6 years to be really sure this was something I really wanted - not a thing I wanted because others were doing it. And honestly, how many gives a piercing 6 years of thought before doing it? I have pierced my ears(except for the two first ones when I was a child) every time I've felt that I have grown as a person. Every time something big happens in my life. And when I pierced my bellybutton the first time something MAJOR had happened and I had grown more then I've ever grown before. It was the right time.
Unfortunately my body didn't agree. And I almost start to cry only thinking about how I felt that day when I realized I had to take it out to make the scar as small as possible. I could see the piercing through my skin...
Now I also feel that that particular piercing(?) is very special because I picked it out that time when I felt ready. And thankfully they are able to reuse it. I am so happy!
The first time - when the time was right - a felt like ME, more like me then I did without it. I want to feel like that again. I have lost myself this past year and I will do almost anything to find myself again.
Wish me luck!