We went on an outing with the kids to a playground nearby. The kids had fun, but time went by slowly since we grown-ups had nothing to do.
I checked my cellphone to see what time it was and saw that I had a missed call from my mother. Mom usually only calls me if she has something specific to talk to me about. I called her back even though I wasn't on a break.
When she tells me what had happened it was so surreal that I heard a completely different name than the one she said, but my body realized it was wrong and I almost yelled out "what?".
G has died."
It was like a bullet to the heart. I hardly understood what mom said after that because I could only think: "
But I just saw her and she was fine."
G is like an extra grandmother to me. She's my real grandmother's best friend and G has been in my life all my life and has been to most of the family dinners, trips to Åre, everywhere. She has taught me so many different things and I have always admired her. She has always been one of the healthiest and strongest people and that she all of a sudden isn't here any more is unbelievable. She wasn't ill.
Here I am all alone in Malmö when I should be with my family.
Right now I'm mostly afraid that they wont be able to wait with the funeral until I get there in two weeks, I have to be there, I have to.